After two years together, Jose Antonio Butron and her mechanical, Mariano Pérez part ways .
No doubt this has been a difficult start to the season for Jose Antonio Butron, who despite being fighting side by side with your team to get all the marked targets earlier this year , the results have not been as expected . Participate in 17 races of World MotocrossChampionship is not easy and requires continually live out of their homes and away from their families in search of the right path.
This has eroded much of his psychic reserves, and has led to a difficult situation , which linked to fatigue your personal mechanic Mariano, has led to mutual agreement are decided not to be together this season.
Jose Antonio Butron . " I'm trying to improve my performances in the World Motocross Championship and therefore continue to work with great enthusiasm, to do that I need to train to clear out , and have positive energy of all the people around me understand that my mechanic Mariano is tired of being so many years traveling and living away from his family , so we thought it best to come home , rest and recover energy. Hopefully this separation is only a pause in our journey together , because I'm very grateful for your work on my bike in two years , without their help it would not have obtained the achievements of these two seasons that have put me in orbit MX world Just tell 'Mariano thanks .' " .